Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been a Stranger!!

Sorry everyone who has checked my blog. I have really been bad but busy at the same time. I have been working so much just haven't had time to post anything. I now work 2 1/2 jobs. One is my day job and one a shoe store and one a funeral home. I also have been teaching spindle spinning and soon a spinning wheel class at a local yarn shop. I also have a new grand-daughter who is now 1 year old. She had a rough start in life with her intestines on the outside of her body but is now doing wonderful and such a happy baby. I have also moved into a smaller house in town and very convenient to all sorts of places and my jobs which is great. Takes less time to clean and more time to do spinning and gourds. Here is a picture of a gourd pin. I have some on Etsy for sale. Also a picture of Miss Jordan last Christmas. Hope you all have a Great Thanksgiving.